LAMP Sandbox
The emulator is loading
This emulator contains a LAMP (Alpine Linux, Apache2, MariaDB and PHP) you can run direcly in your browser.
PHPMyAdmin is installed by default. You can access it by clicking on the "PHPMyAdmin" quick link or by setting the in-browser URL to "/phpmyadmin/".
You can mount local folders in the emulator to try any PHP project and access the terminal. All these options are available in the left sidebar.
Linux Filesystem
Click on a file to open it
Clone a public repository from GitHub.
The files are only available in the current browser session. Any changes will be lost if you close or reload this browser tab.
Make a folder from your computer accessible as a directory inside the Linux Pod. The contents will be read-only and a snapshot of the folder at that time.
The files are only available in the current browser session. Files won't be pushed to any remote. Any changes in the Linux Pod will be lost if you close or reload this browser tab.
Active Projects
No active projects
Log viewer
Log content will appear here...